Monday, March 3, 2014

Would You Use a Male Babysitter?

I would have hired four of my brothers as babysitters; one might have taken his charges out on the roof. I still remember how delighted we were when one of my young uncles came to babysit. My Uncle Frank, six foot five, would hang from the top of the swing set, and we were allowed to keep all the money that fell out of his pockets. My youngest brothers were 15 and 17 when my daughter Anne was born. Going on vacation with them was pure joy for my daughters.

Several of my daughters' playgroups had helping daddies as well as helping mommies. We used a babysitting cooperative of parents when we went out; daddies were more likely to be the evening babysitter. The rest of the time we used our parents or my brothers. My daughter uses several young male actors as babysitters on the days I don't care for my grandson. I keep expecting Michael to say, "Go away, Grandma. I want Trevor or or Anthony."
My daughters had one male teacher in a one-room schoolhouse private school in Maine. On Long Island they only had two male teachers in grade school; one was their favorite teacher. My brother is a grade school teacher in Maine. He says male teachers of young children feel like everyone regards them as potential child molesters.
According to the Bureau of Labor comprise:
  • 5.4 % of Child Care Workers
  • 8.5 % of Teacher Assistants
  • 2.7 % of Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers
What are we teaching our children about sex roles. Have you used male babysitters? When did your child first have a male teacher? Has your child ever asked you why there are no male teachers in his day care center or grade school? Would you encourage your son to babysit or pursue a career in early childhood education?


  1. One of my brother's worked in daycares for YEARS, and he is wonderful with small children. And I well remember how hurt he was by the automatic distrust of parents for him, just because he was a guy.

    But I also remember that a friend's six year old daughter was molested by her male brother. And so no, I would not hire a male babysitter.

  2. I am sorry you feel that way. I must admit I don't fully understand, given that your brother was an excellent day care teacher. I know friends who were physically abused by their mothers, but that would not prevent me from using a female babysitter.

  3. I would use a male sitter if I had kids. (Beck either sex can and do abuse.) I had three sons who all were trustworthy, and according to their charges over the years the best at finding anything fun to do. Doing your research and getting to know anyone you hire to care for kids has to be an ongoing act for parents these days.
